
Offers & Details


Camp Fees for Skaters


Camp Fees For Coaches/Observers


"Hotel & Meals" options & informations


"Unaccompanied minors" registration


For figure Skaters


For Coaches / Observers

Hotel & Meals options

Skaters / Parents

Accompanists / Coaches

Informations coming soon…

unaccompanied minors

Options and informations

We can exceptionally accept some unaccompanied minors to the camp, but we only have very few places available (therefore we always recommand at least one parent or accompanist to come with minor skaters).

Some members of our team will be in charge of monitoring them, and you’ll have to provide us with a discharge letter and inform us of any specific medical condition/treatments.

It is only possible for unaccompanied minors to come to the camp by staying in pension at our official hotel with all the coaches and the ice2impulse staff!